Kamis, 02 Juni 2022

Composing Poems in SMK Negeri Kasiman


Composing Poems

in SMK Negeri Kasiman

By: Didik Puji Utami




Editor: Ajun Pujang Anom, Yonathan Rahardjo

Ilustrasi-desain-tata letak: Studio Syairupa


Penerbit: MAJAS (Kelompok Penerbit Majas)

Jl. KS Tubun Gang Iro 5 Kadipaten Bojonegoro 62111

Telp. /SMS/WA: +6281332258669

Email: penerbitmajas@gmail. com

Homepage: www. penerbitmajas. com


Cetakan Pertama, Mei 2022

Ukuran: 14x20 cm Tebal: 80 hlm




First of all, let us say thank you to Allah S.W.T Who Has Guide and Bless us in finishing this book effectively. My Sholawat and  Regards to Rasullullah S.A.W as with  His Connection Who came on the right way on our life from the dark to the light. Furthermore, thank to many individuals who are gentle and willingly take a role part to complete all process. Hopefully this book can be a good parts in the Literation of Education.

The book  is the firts year in XII AKL 1 from SMK Negeri Kasiman Bojonegoro. “Composing Poems in SMK Negeri Kasiman” is the collaboration writting between teacher and students or usually we call Anthology.           

We have to remember education will always develop each day. Our government also organize the Literation program. Those development have to be balance with a good ability of the individuals. Moreover, other skills and highly good personality such as, creative, independence, smart, and responsibilty are very needed. Those are matter, because it will help us to generate new generations with highly competitiveness.

We hopefully  this book can take part in every  teaching learning process and help both the teacher and students in improving the quality of hard skills and soft skills. Finally last but not least, we thank to all the readers of this book as good as it should be.


Didik Puji Utami


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